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Utilities for Dyalog APL/W Developers: UCMD Take 2
by Ray Cannon
I have recently reviewed how my original pseudo UCMD code (Ref.: Vector 15.1 and 15.3) worked, and have now simplified it resulting in version 2. The utilities are available as a zip file (See Description).
Recap of Version 1
The utility suite consisted of a directory (called UCMD) containing many workspaces, one for each utility and one extra workspace (called SE.DWS) which is run each time Dyalog is loaded, to set up the environment for the current session.
Each utility workspace contained at least one and sometimes two (or more) top-level functions with the same name as the workspace name. (e.g. workspace FNS.DWS might contain two top-level functions Fns and FnS.) Niladic utilities appeared on the menu bar, while monadic and dyadic utilities appeared in a drop down list from the tool bar.
Version 2
Modifications made to the environment
Enhanced function key support, including multiple alternative key settings, and PFKey editing
Improved menu bar layout and structure
Improved access to HELP.
Modifications required for Dyalog 8.2
Under Dyalog 8.2, the simple Dyalog menu-bar and tool-bar have been replaced by cool-bars. UCMD Version 2 has been modified to include support for this new environment. (Thanks to Bob Hoekstra for all code changes relating to Dyalog 8.2.)
Modifications made to the UCMD process.
Under version 1, all the control of which UCMD utilities were available, was hard coded within the session set-up workspace SE.DWS. So every time a utility was added, removed or renamed, SE.DWS also had to be modified.
Under version 2, SE.DWS has no in-built knowledge of what utilities are available. Instead, it checks each workspace in the UCMD directory for the existence of a standard function (UCMDSETUP see below) which, if found, it uses to build a data-base of the utility workspaces currently available.
For convenience, utilities are now (loosely) grouped together by CLASS.
Monadic and Dyadic utilities are still available from the tool-bar drop down combo, but niladic utilities are now accessed (by default) via a single drop down menu called UCMD. In addition, each UCMD workspace has its own help.
Some of the new utilities that have been added
- Explore+ a pan workspace namespace explorer. Edit, copy and compare functions, across workspaces and namespaces
- Store stores the current object back into a workspace. Like the )STORE wsid fn on old STSC mainframe APL.
- Memorise copies the contents of temporary storage (see old utilities Put, ListGot and GetAll) onto file.
- Recall copies the Memorised data back into the active workspace.
- Forget erases the Memorised file. (Put and GetAll only worked within a single Dyalog session. Memorise and Recall can be used between sessions.)
- PutTree puts a copy of the current object and all functions in its calling tree into temporary storage (see old utilities Put, ListGot and GetAll).
- EditPfk edits the current PFKeys settings
- ChangePf switch between different sets of PFKeys settings.
- Setpf sets up the PFKeys.
- CompareDws compares two Dyalog workspaces held in DWS files. (Similar to WsCompare, which compared the currently loaded WS with a single DWS file.)
- EditSe A UCMD set-up utility, allowing you to re-configure several aspects of the SE/UCMD environment.
How to Install Version 2 of UCMD
If you already have version 1 installed, please remove or rename the UCMD directory before installing this new version. This new code assumes that you use a standard Dyalog session (such as which creates both a menu bar and a toolbar. It has not been tested on non-standard or altered sessions, and may require modifications before it will work with them.
You can download the file UCMD.ZIP from
In your Dyalog WS directory create a new directory UCMD (for example C:\Dyalog73\ws\UCMD) and unzip the contents of UCMD.ZIP.
Start up Dyalog and (optionally) add the new UCMD directory in the Dyalog workspace search path.
To make these utilities available your session just load the SE.DWS workspace. I always auto-load the SE workspace, and never save the modified session.
The SE.DWS workspace looks for the command line parameter loadws=
If you are considering adding your own favourite utility into the UCMD environment, you will need to save it as a workspace in the UCMD directory. In addition, the workspace must contain a UCMDSETUP
function used by SE.DWS to set up the menu/tool bars. Look at a few examples from directory UCMD. (The following is taken from FNS.DWS):
{r}UCMDSETUP menu;helpfid;helpno;name;text;fn1;hint;fn2;left;right; class;readme [1] ©Add command to menu and combo [2] name'fns' ©Unique menu item name. (Menu order sorted by this value) [3] class'LIST' [4] [5] [6] fn1'FnS' © Must be a function in the workspace or '' if N/A [7] text'&Fns' © Text that appears in the menu or '' if N/A [8] hint'List fns in current namespace.' © Hint text or '' if N/A [9] [10] fn2'Fns' © Must be a function in the workspace or '' [11] right'Criteria eg foo*' © Description of Right hand argument [12] left'Optional Namespace' © Descr of Left hand argument or '' if MONADIC [13] [14] helpfid'ucmd.hlp' © Help file name or '' if None Available [15] helpno'700' © Help context number or '' if None Available [16] readme'FNS.DWS -- Lists some/all of the Fs in the namespace (plus)' [17] readme,'' [18] readme,'The menu command FnS lists all the functions (and operators)' [19] readme,'in the current namespace.' [20] readme,'' [21] readme,'The combo command Fns lists only thoses function that match ' [22] readme,'the entered text (with "*" acting as a "wild card").' [23] readme,'' [24] readme,'If an optional namespace is supplied, the resulting listing' [25] readme,'include the full namespace path (for ease of editing).' [26] readme†readme [27] :If 0¬½menu [28] rmenu RunSetup name class fn1 text hint fn2 right left helpfid helpno [29] :Else [30] rhint readme class [31] :EndIf
- class groups related utilities. e.g. Put and GetAll, Fns and Vars;
- name must be unique.
- fn1 if supplied, MUST be the name of a niladic function in the workspace with the same name (ignoring case). It should be empty if you do not want the item to appear on the UCMD menu;
- text is the text that will appear in the menu. It may contain spaces. Indicate the accelerator key (if required) via an ampersand. May only be empty if fn1 is also empty;
- fn2, right and left relate to monadic and dyadic utilities;
- fn2 may be empty if you do not want the item to appear in the drop down combo. If supplied it MUST be a monadic (or greater) function in the workspace with the same name (ignoring case);
- right contains the text that will be displayed when assigning the right hand argument. May only be empty if fn2 is also empty;
- left must either contain the text that will be displayed when assigning the left-hand argument or must be empty if fn2 is monadic or empty.
- readme defines the text used to create simple HELP messages.
The utilities are available as a zip file (600K).