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Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


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Volume 18, No.2

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Hacker’s Corner: Formatting Dates in Dyalog APL and APL+Win

experiments by Ray and Stefano, notes by Adrian Smith

[Ed: This paper uses the APL2741 font, which you can download].


I began to think about this the first time I saw John Daintree’s presentation on Dyalog.NET. He showed us how much easier it is to get at the Windows API calls, and one of his examples played some games with the date class which .NET provides. As well as letting you add and subtract dates, this has a basic ‘picture formatting’ capability so that you can throw it (more or less) ŒTS and get back ‘Sunday, October 21, 2001’ or any other reasonable representation. There it rested, until one of my GraPL users started kicking me for a ‘date,time’ capability on the X-axis. RainPro has always had ‘date’ and ‘time’ X-styles and it was easy enough to accept the combination, but I began to think that my habit of simply grabbing the ‘short date’ format from Windows would not be acceptable for much longer.

A quick dig around in Excel confirmed that you could set all sorts of formats with simple picture specifications such as ‘ddd, mmmm dd, yyyy’ and that (very important, this) the date would be formatted in your local language. This smelled like an API call (remember that .NET is mostly just a nice wrapper on the current API), so off to the Windows help file and hit the ‘full text search’ on formatting dates. Bingo … what should we find but GetDateFormat (now there is a misleading name for you) which is documented as follows:

The GetDateFormat function formats a date as a date string for
a specified locale. The function formats either a specified
date or the local system date.

int GetDateFormat(

    LCID Locale,	// locale for which date is to be formatted
    DWORD dwFlags,	// flags specifying function options
    CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpDate,	// date to be formatted
    LPCTSTR lpFormat,	// date format string
    LPTSTR lpDateStr,	// buffer for storing formatted string
    int cchDate 	// size of buffer

There is a matching GetTimeFormat, which does something very similar to the time part of the date/time vector. Time to ….

Call in the Professionals

I knew that Ray Cannon had an extensive library of date functions, and guessed that Stef might well have done something similar, so out went a call on the internet, and sure enough, back came the code. Ray used ‘conventional’ Dyalog APL, but Stef had much more fun and wrote a splendid collection of ‘D’ to cover both calls in one go. The rest of this note explains how the calls work, and also has the equivalent implementation in APL+Win.

Dyalog covers for simple Date and Time formatting (current time)

First the simple case – format the current date with a given picture specification:

© Return the current system date

 fmt„'dddd'','' dd MMMM yyyy'
 'get'ŒNA'I2 kernel32.C32|GetDateFormatA I4 I4 I4 <0T >0T I2'

 r„œ†/get 0 0 0 fmt 255 255

The function returns the length of the result and the text as a two-element vector, hence the rather interesting reduction, followed by a ‘pick’ (we are in Œml=0 here) to get back a simple string.

The ‘picture’ format is quite complex, and is well explained in the Windows help:

Use the following elements to construct a format picture string. If you use spaces to separate the elements in the format string, these spaces will appear in the same location in the output string. The letters must be in uppercase or lowercase as shown in the table (for example, "MM" not "mm"). Characters in the format string that are enclosed in single quotation marks will appear in the same location and unchanged in the output string.
Picture Meaning
d Day of month as digits (no leading zero for single-digit days).
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation. The function uses the LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME value associated with the specified locale.
dddd Day of week as its full name. The function uses the LOCALE_SDAYNAME value associated with the specified locale.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation. The function uses the LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME value associated with the specified locale.
MMMM Month as its full name. The function uses the LOCALE_SMONTHNAME value associated with the specified locale.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four digits.
gg Period/era string. The function uses the CAL_SERASTRING value associated with the specified locale. This element is ignored if the date to be formatted does not have an associated era or period string.

This allows you plenty of scope, but a little surprisingly, formats like 12th October are not supported here. The similar call for the formatted ‘time’ is:

©Return the current system time

 fmt„'HH'':''mm'':''ss tt'      © See Picture meaning

 'get'ŒNA'I kernel32.C32|GetTimeFormatA I4 I4 I4  <0T >0T I'
 r„œ†/get 0 0 0 fmt 256 255

and the ‘pictures’ are rather easier to remember here:

Picture Meaning
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds
t One character time marker string, such as a or p
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as am or pm

Just to prove they work ….

Sunday, 21 October 2001
20:49:32 pm

That deals with the simple case – now to pass it the time of our choice, which requires a little more research as we need to adapt Œts timestamps to fit the Windows model. Over to Stef, and a distinct change of coding style!

Dynamic functions for general-purpose date/time formatting

© ¾ is a Œts time
© ¸ is a picture description of the format required
   ¸„'ddd'','' MMM dd yy'
   l„œgdf 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ¾)¸ 0 0
   2œgdf 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ¾)¸ l l
© ¾ is a Œts time
© ¸ is a picture description of the format required
   ¸„'hh'':''mm'':''ss tt'
   l„œgtf 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ¾)¸ 0 0
   2œgtf 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ¾)¸ l l
© ¾ is Œts format
© returns a Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure
© ¸ is the day of week: not required here
   ¸{¾[1 2],¸,2‡¾}7†¾
 'gdf'ŒNA'I kernel32_GetDateFormatA I U <{I2[8]} <0T >0T I'
 'gtf'ŒNA'I kernel32_GetTimeFormatA I U <{I2[8]} <0T >0T I'

Stef has used the slightly more rigorous approach of calling the routines once, with a zero-length buffer, to get the result size, then allocating a suitable buffer at this length. To show them in action:

2001 10 0 21 21 21 20 0
      'HH:mm' GetTimeFormat Œts
      'hh:mm tt' GetTimeFormat Œts
09:21 pm
      '''Today is ''dddd, dd MMMM - yyyy' GetDateFormat Œts
Today is Sunday, 21 October - 2001

You can actually be fairly cavalier about missing out the quotes around inclusions – as long as the characters cannot be taken for formatting cues they will just appear verbatim in the result. Putting it all together, we have:

© ¸ is the picture format
© ¾ a ŒTS-like time specification
© Assumes the time placeholders come all AFTER or BEFORE the dates
©          in the provided picture
   ŒML ŒIO„1

© default ¸ is not a nice format, just a test
   ¸„'ddd'','' MMM dd yy hh'':''mm'':''ss tt'
   pic„¸ © we'll need this name later

   gtf„{} © trick to localise the following defns
   _„'gdf'ŒNA'I kernel32_GetDateFormatA I U <{I2[8]} <0T >0T I'
   _„'gtf'ŒNA'I kernel32_GetTimeFormatA I U <{I2[8]} <0T >0T I'

     ¸{¾[1 2],¸,2‡¾}7†¾

     l„œ¸¸ 0 0 w ¸ 0 0 © buffer needed
     2œ¸¸ 0 0 w ¸ l l  © apply

     œ(Ÿšbq\†¸º¨›bq/¾)¼1 © let's use lexical scoping... woah!
     ((œ¸)gdf aux ¾)((2œ¸)gtf aux ¾)

   </ix:¹²(ix[2]‡pic)(ix[2]†pic)format ¾ © date after time
   ¹(ix[1]†pic)(ix[1]‡pic)format ¾       © time after date

The variables TIMEPICTURES and DATEPICTURES simply list the allowed formats (column-1 of the tables a few pages back). Again, to test it:

'''It is now ''hh:mm:sstt ''on'' ddd, MMM-dd-yy' FormatTS Œts
It is now 10:33:57pm on Sun, Oct-21-01

That just about wraps it up for Dyalog – now to see what APL+Win can do.

Date and Time formatting in APL+Win

First things first – a quick trawl through aplwadf.ini revealed that neither of the two functions is known to ŒWCALL, so a quick email to APL2000 support, and the following was swiftly provided by John Walker:

GetDateFormat=I(D Locale, D dwFlags, *SYSTEMTIME lpDate, *C lpFormat, >C
    lpDateStr, I cchDate) ALIAS GetDateFormatA LIB Kernel32

GetTimeFormat=I(D Locale, D dwFlags, *SYSTEMTIME lpTime, *C lpFormat, >C
    lpTimeStr, I cchTime) ALIAS GetTimeFormatA LIB Kernel32

Having patched these in (and followed the instructions in the file to recompile it), the functions were plain sailing:

    ’  st„dw TS2SYSTEMTIME ts
[1]   © <ts> is Œts format
[2]   © Returns a Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure
[3]   © <dw> is the day of week: not necessary here
[4]    dw„0 ª ts„7†ts ª st„ts[1 2],dw,2‡ts
    ’  fmt„pic GetTimeFormat ts;len
[1]   © <ts> is a Œts time
[2]   © <pic> is a picture description of the format required
[3]    :if 0=ŒNC 'pic'
[4]      pic„'h'':''mmtt'   © 02:34pm is default
[5]    :end
[6]   © Checks the buffer size, then sends a buffer to hold the answer
[7]    len„1œŒWCALL 'GetTimeFormat' 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ts)pic 0 0
[8]    fmt„2œŒWCALL 'GetTimeFormat' 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ts)pic (len½' ') len
    ’  fmd„pic GetDateFormat ts;len
[1]   © <ts> is a Œts time
[2]   © <pic> is a picture description of the format required
[3]    :if 0=ŒNC 'pic'
[4]      pic„'ddd'','' MMM dd yy'
[5]    :end
[6]    len„1œŒWCALL 'GetDateFormat' 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ts)pic 0 0
[7]    fmd„2œŒWCALL 'GetDateFormat' 0 0(TS2SYSTEMTIME ts)pic (len½' ') len

A couple more examples, to show these in action:

     'MMMM/yy,dddd' GetDateFormat Œts   © Custom date format
     'HH:mm-ss' GetTimeFormat Œts       © Custom time

As you can see, Vector is already exactly a month late, and the evening is moving on. Time to slump in front of the television and watch the football!


I think these are a really useful discovery. The great benefit from my perspective is that I can offer my GraPL users ‘TimePicture’ and ‘DatePicture’ properties and any prior knowledge they have (of Excel, for example) can be immediately applied. Probably I should document these in my own help file, but all I really have to do is crib those two tables again, courtesy of Microsoft. Let’s hope .NET fulfils its promise of making many more of these useful utilities easy to find and apply in our own APL and J applications.

The workspaces containing these examples can be downloaded as a 6K zip file from the Resources page.

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