Reduction in Membership Dues for People Outside the British Isles
The Committee recommends that we should charge people outside the UK only enough to cover extra mailing costs. This will reduce dues for almost all our European and American members. The new rates will be proposed at an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 25 March 1994 (provisional date) so that they may apply for the 1994-5 membership year. At the same EGM some other changes to our constitution will be proposed to bring it into conformity to the BCS rules (the date of the AGM), to allow the Committee to vary the membership year and to simplify administration (additional signatories for cheques).
British APL Association Annual Achievement Award 1994
Nominations are invited for presentation at the 1994 AGM. It is a personal award - not to be given to a team of people. We think there isn’t much point in giving the award to a large team who then would get so little each they all agree to give it to a deserving charity. The award is for an achievement - not necessarily for a life’s work. The winner holds the trophy for the year and gets a cheque for ú500 to spend as he or she likes. We want it to be a pleasant surprise to win it. Previous winners have been Roger Hui for the J interpreter, Paul Chapman for the I-APL interpreter, John Scholes for the Dyalog interpreter; anyone would think that the only achievement possible in the APL world was writing an interpreter. Show us that isn’t so. No-one is barred from nomination (non-members are eligible too).
British APL Association Committee for 1994-5
Here is your chance to enter public service and do some good to the world. This year the Chairman, Treasurer, Publicity Officer and Education Officer have completed three years in their posts and must resign. We have no Activities Officer because Richard Weber had to resign. Every post is open for election; we would be very glad indeed to see some competition. Please send nominations (ensure the nominee agrees) to the Secretary, Duncan Pearson, 143 Hull Road, York YO1 3JX or email <100265.1564@compuserve.com>.
The Journal of Array Processing Languages and Algorithms
This is the Editor’s choice of name for what we have been calling The APL Review. People said the old title would mislead as there are publications with Review in their titles which contain no original material but only criticisms of other work. The new title is long enough to impress and can be abbreviated to Jnl, APL & A. The Editor tells me he is serious about including any array processing language or algorithm and would like to see material in, for example, K or Nial. Please send papers to Jonathan Barman, Hilltop House, East Garston, Newbury, Berks RG16 7HD, UK or email <100116.1030@compuserve.com>. We are glad to report that unsolicited papers are already being received. This proves, what we always maintained, that there was plenty of high class academic work being done which is not being offered to Quote-Quad or Vector because they are not fully peer-refereed journals.
APL in Business: Swansea 18-22 July 1994
The deadline for papers has been extended. By the time this Vector appears you will be running rather close to the deadline. If you want to present a paper and have not yet told us, it is now urgent to contact Dr Alan Sykes, the Program Chair with the details. His address is European Business Management School, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK or you can email
(webpage generated: 18 February 2006, 02:15)