Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 10, No.4

Editorial: The First 10 Years

by Anthony Camacho, .

With this issue Vector completes ten years since Vol.1 No.1, dated May 1984. We have Robert Bittlestone to thank for persuading us to make the quantum leap from a 20 or 30 page newsletter to an up-market glossy-covered 144 page magazine.

We started with the idea that we would publish on time: on the whole we have. We started with the aim of attracting readers world-wide, not just from the United Kingdom: on the whole we have succeeded, but we believe that many more APLers would benefit from reading it. Vector is not expensive and we are reducing the price. Please encourage your friends to subscribe.

The next ten years begins with Vector 11.1, to be dated July 1994, which will be a tenth anniversary issue. We we will give it to all the delegates to Swansea and to APL94 at Antwerp; it will be special. May I encourage people who haven’t contributed to Vector to begin now? In Vector 11.1 we expect to have articles from McDonnell, Spunde, Thomson, Langlet, McIntyre, Smillie, the usual gang and some newcomers. We hope to have a tenth anniversary competition with a really worthwhile prize.

Vector 11.1 will have a complete and updated product guide. Don’t forget that the product guide entries are free of charge. Vector 11.1 will have the largest circulation that any Vector has ever had and even one-man bands should get themselves listed in it.

Book your advertisements now! Swansea: 18-22 July 1994 The program for this conference is ready to be published. It will be the best training course this year for APLers who want to integrate their work seamlessly with Windows using DDE, OLE2 and DLLs.

If you attend you may also learn about genetic algorithms, Client Server processing, processing of time series and how to produce publication quality graphics. The mornings will be devoted to plenary sessions; the afternoons will be workshops (in three or more streams) in which the morning plenary speakers will develop their themes and give you the hands on experience necessary so that your can apply the techniques when the conference is over.

The evenings can be spent on additional workshops for those that wish, a ’street market’ at which books, software and anything you want to bring will be on sale to other delegates, and the conference dinner. Get your name on the list to be sent the details: write to Haydn Williams, EBMS, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP.

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