Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


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British APL Association
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Volume 11, No.1


by APL94 (Antwerp)

Update on APL94

APL94 will be held in Antwerp,
BELGIUM, 11-15 September 1994

APL – the Language and its Applications

The Annual International Conference on APL (co-organised by the Belgian Royal Association of the Flemish Engineers and the ACM/SIGAPL in collaboration with most of the European APL Associations/Societies) is focusing on the applications of APL but does not drop all the work on the development of the language itself.

At the time of writing this update the final programme is not yet fixed. But we can already give some idea of what it will be. We have received papers from 14 countries making the Conference really International indeed. But the distribution of the origin of the papers has greatly changed compared to previous Conferences, with the countries of the CEI being the leaders; the American centre of the APL world is now in balance with the East European one. There is also a modification in the distribution of the subjects. The language itself is still a major subject but with a clear shift towards new concepts like Windows and Object Oriented Programming.

The traditional applications of APL – Economics, Business, Management and Statistics – are also represented. Interestingly we have more articles on Artificial Intelligence, Biology and also Psychology and Geography. Besides the papers there will be posters. The posters – there are more and more posters at APL Conferences – should follow the trends of the papers. The posters are a way of presenting ongoing research work and establishing a scientific priority; they also facilitate cooperative work, on the basis of discussions with the author. There is still time to present a poster at APL94. There is no deadline! The posters, abstract and a full text, will be published in one of the leading APL Journals and will possibly be distributed at the Conference.

Other important scientific and technical events will take place during the Conference; remember that APL94 is the annual gathering and showcase of the APL World. There is little to say about the social events, but remember that Antwerp was European Artistic Capital of Europe for 1993, and that was a real success. We are sure you will find great pleasure in the city. Please contact us:

Alain Delmotte
Avenue du Marathon, 6
B1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
tel: (32)-10-45 11 92
fax: (32)-10-45 23 26

Joseph DeKerf
Rooienberg, 72
B2570 Duffel
tel: (32)-15-31 47 24
fax: (32)-3-216 06 89 (attn. J. DeKerf)


The submission of papers for APL94 is now over but you can still present your work to the Conference. If you have ongoing research work but want to share your preliminary results; if you want to establish your priority, and/or if you want to find cooperative work, do not hesitate to present a poster to the APL94 Conference.

Posters were only recently introduced at APL Conferences, but their importance is growing every year. The time allocated to traditional papers is fixed; the time for posters is the whole Conference and there is no limit to the time for discussion.

There is no deadline for the submission of a poster, but:

  1. If you want your poster to be announced in the final invitation and the Conference program you have to send your proposal and abstract by the 31st of March.
  2. The posters will be published in one of the leading APL Journals and – possibly – distributed at the Conference. So we will need your poster (what you want to be published, not only the abstract) by the 31st of May.

You can submit posters to me by mail, fax, or e-mail. I am able to process Word2 and WordPerfect5.2 for Windows – ISIAPL and VectorAPL TrueType fonts – and Word5 for the Mac – APL68000 font; I am also starting TeX/LaTeX with the cmapl font.

Alain Delmotte
Program Chairman

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