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Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


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British APL Association
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Volume 11, No.1

Hacker's Corner: Native Files in Dyalog APL (Without Tears)

by Adrian Smith


One of the things you get used to in APL*PLUS/PC is fast, reliable access to DOS native files; indeed many developers have tended to use these in preference to component files for function filing (see for example my notes on ∆pack in Vector 8.2 pp.125-126) because the APL*PLUS component files are somewhat slow by comparison.

In Dyalog/W, the opposite is true! Component files go like greased lightning and the NFILES auxiliary processor is (in my opinion) something of a dog. It has the unpleasant habit of locking out completely if the AP cannot find space to load, and it litters your workspace with a bunch of unhelpfully-named functions like open, close etc. If you would like the pleasure of wiping NFILES.EXE for ever from your hard disk, read on.

Raw Input and Output

This investigation began when I got interested in making noises with APL! I discovered that the Windows .WAV files are simply a short header, followed by a stream of byte values (say 11000 per second) in the range 0-255 (where 128 represents the midpoint) which outline the waveform. APL has these funny circle functions, which are adept at generating sine waves, so a suitable numeric vector will generate tones and harmonies very easily indeed. Exponential decay superimposed on random numbers gives a very authentic gunshot!

In order to investigate the header structure, I clearly needed to read the file as a stream of untranslated byte values, so turning to the SDK help-file I found enough to hack together the following:

     ∇ r←rget name;_lread;_lclose;_llseek;_lopen;fh;size; 
[1]   ⍝ Get Raw file contents as a string of bytes.
[2]   ⍝ Returns ⍬ if file not found.
[3]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lopen <0T I'
[4]    ⎕NA'U4 kernel.P16|_llseek I U4 I'
[5]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lclose I'
[6]    ⎕NA'U4 kernel.P16|_lread I >U1[] U2'
[7]    r←⍬ ⋄ fh←_lopen name 0 ⋄ →(¯1=fh)↑0
[8]    size←_llseek fh 0 2
[9]    sink←_llseek fh 0 0
[10]  ⍝ Maximum length is 64K per read, so get blocks ...
[11]   blk←64000⌊size ⋄ r←⍬ ⋄ sink←⎕WA
[12]  ⍝ Don't read lots of garbage with the last block (faster)
[13]  More:get←blk⌊size-⍴r
[14]   ct bytes←_lread fh get get
[15]   →(ct=0)↑Done ⍝ should never happen!
[16]   r,←ct↑bytes
[17]  ⍝ Have we got enough yet?
[18]   →(size>⍴r)↑More
[19]  Done:sink←_lclose fh

The functions are ANSI-standard C, and closely match the syntax offered by nfiles. Because they are built in to Windows, they appear to run rather fast – here is a trivial example:

     rget '\apl\dyalog\serial'
48 48 48 49 53 57 10

... note that this has a line-feed (10) but no carriage-return (13), indicating its Unix heritage! The other half of the transaction is filled by:

     ∇ {r}←name rput bytes;_lwrite;_lclose;_lcreat;fh;size;
[1]   ⍝ Put a string of bytes to file (no translation).
[2]   ⍝ Returns 1 if OK; 0 if failed.
[3]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lcreat <0T I'
[4]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lclose I'
[5]    ⎕NA'U4 kernel.P16|_lwrite I <U1[] U2'
[6]    r←0 ⋄ fh←_lcreat name 0 ⋄ →(¯1=fh)↑0
[7]   ⍝ Maximum length is 64K per write, so make blocks ...
[8]    blk←64000
[9]   More:len←blk⌊⍴bytes ⋄ put←len↑bytes
[10]   ct←_lwrite fh put len
[11]   bytes←len↓bytes
[12]  ⍝ Have we finished yet?
[13]   →(0<⍴bytes)↑More
[14]  Done:sink←_lclose fh ⋄ r←1

... which will happily write out several K of meaningless noise in less time than it takes to blink. Note that you will need to sort out the CR/LF pairs if you want the file to appear to DOS as records. It is sensibly behaved, in that it will open (and truncate) an existing file, or start a completely new file without complaining.

Text Files

Having mastered the raw case, it occurred to me that I could probably use the same means to read and write text files as well – sure enough I can still beat the NFILES AP for speed, even though I am doing the ASCII translation in APL! Here are the two functions that do the job, without further comment:

     ∇ r←nget name;_lread;_lclose;_llseek;_lopen;fh;size;
[1]   ⍝ Get Native ASCII file contents as a vector of vectors
[2]   ⍝ Returns '' if file not found.
[3]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lopen <0T I'
[4]    ⎕NA'U4 kernel.P16|_llseek I U4 I'
[5]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lclose I'
[6]    ⎕NA'U4 kernel.P16|_lread I >U1[] U2'
[7]   ⍝ Make translate table
[8]    asc←256⍴'∘'
[9]    asc[32+⍳32]←' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?'
[10]   asc[64+⍳32]←'@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_'
[11]   asc[96+⍳32]←'`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ '
[12]   asc[9 11 14]←⎕TC
[13]   r←⍬ ⋄ fh←_lopen name 0 ⋄ →(¯1=fh)↑0
[14]   size←_llseek fh 0 2
[15]   sink←_llseek fh 0 0
[16]  ⍝ Maximum length is 64K per read, so get blocks ...
[17]   blk←64000⌊size ⋄ r←'' ⋄ sink←⎕WA ⋄ ⎕IO←0
[18]  ⍝ Don't read lots of garbage with the last block (faster)
[19]  More:get←blk⌊size-⍴r
[20]   ct bytes←_lread fh get get
[21]   →(ct=0)↑Done ⍝ should never happen!
[22]   bytes←ct↑bytes
[23]  ⍝ Translate and append ...
[24]   r,←asc[bytes]
[25]  ⍝ Have we got enough yet?
[26]   →(size>⍴r)↑More
[27]  Done:sink←_lclose fh ⋄ ⎕IO←1
[28]  ⍝ Eliminate LF and partition on CR ...
[29]   r←¯1⌽r~⎕TC[3]
[30]   r←1↓¨(r=⎕TC[2])⊂r
     ∇ {r}←name nput txt;_lwrite;_lclose;_lcreat;asc;fh;size;
[1]   ⍝ Put a vector of vectors to file (ASCII translation).
[2]   ⍝ Simple vectors are tolerated!
[3]   ⍝ Returns 1 if OK; 0 if failed.
[4]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lcreat <0T I'
[5]    ⎕NA'I kernel.P16|_lclose I'
[6]    ⎕NA'U4 kernel.P16|_lwrite I <U1[] U2'
[7]    r←0 ⋄ fh←_lcreat name 0 ⋄ →(¯1=fh)↑0
[8]   ⍝ Make translate table
[9]    asc←256⍴'∘' ⋄ asc[9 11 14]←⎕TC
[10]   asc[32+⍳32]←' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?'
[11]   asc[64+⍳32]←'@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_'
[12]   asc[96+⍳32]←'`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ '
[13]  ⍝ Look up each element and add CR/LF pairs
[14]   ⍎(2>|≡txt)/'txt←⊂txt'
[15]   txt←⊃,/txt,¨⊂⎕TC[3 2]
[16]   bytes←¯1+255|asc⍳txt
[17]  ⍝ Maximum length is 64K per write, so make blocks ...
[18]   blk←64000
[19]  More:len←blk⌊⍴bytes ⋄ put←len↑bytes
[20]   ct←_lwrite fh put len
[21]   bytes←len↓bytes
[22]  ⍝ Have we finished yet?
[23]   →(0<⍴bytes)↑More
[24]  Done:sink←_lclose fh ⋄ r←1

... obviously, Scandinavian readers will need to patch the translate table, depending on where in their ⎕AV they buried and other exciting things.

As a final bonus, I found that I could write stuff direct to the printer (by using ‘prn’ as the file name) without getting jumped on by Windows – just what my RAIN graphics needs to get its PostScript past the Print Manager queue!

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