Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 12, No.4


by Anthony Camacho, .

I am handing over the Editor’s chair to Duncan Pearson from Volume 13 onwards. I shall continue helping him as a member of the Vector Working Group and, I hope, subsequent editors. For the record, the roll of Vector’s editors is: Robert Bittlestone, David Preedy, Adrian Smith, Jonathan Barman, me and now Duncan Pearson.

The working group is the thing that keeps Vector going. That, far more than the editor, deserves your thanks for twelve years of the best in APL. How it came about is hard to explain. It wasn’t planned, with the social dynamics carefully worked out. It was started by David Preedy and still has some of the original members. Current membership is: Adrian and Gill Smith, David Ziemann, Jonathan Barman, Richard and Adam Weber, Duncan Pearson, John Searle, Ray Cannon & Jon Sandles. Editors for education Vector have not always attended the working group meetings. Nevertheless, Norman Thomson, Alan Sykes, Alan Mayer and Ian Clark also deserve your thanks.

And while I am thanking people I also thank the authors, especially those who I, or others, bullied into writing.

I just looked at the Vectors and editorials I’ve been responsible for. There are quite a lot of editorials about conferences and how I think they should be run – so many that I have been accused of riding a hobby-horse. One good thing to note was the reduction in price (in Vol.10 No.3) which should have put Vector into everyone’s reach.

The two best editorials (my choice) are in Vol.11 (Nos 1 & 2).

Now I shall have (as they say of Tory ministers that get caught) more time to spend with my family. Alison gave birth to Gemma on 24th February and we expect a second grandchild later this year.

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