Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 20, No.1

Minutes of the AGM of the British APL Association held at the Royal Statistical Society on 23rd May 2003

Anthony Camacho


  1. Report from the Chairman (Adrian Smith)
  2. Treasurer’s report
  3. Committee for 2003-2004
  4. Questions and any other business

The Chairman opened the meeting at 2:05 when there were about 25 members present. Previous AGM minutes were taken as read and various apologies were noted.

The Chairman reported that the Association has not done much except keep Vector going. The April Vector is at the printers and will shortly be posted to members. Eighty copies will be sent to San Diego to be given to delegates. The Association is considering setting up a wiki site on the web. This allows any member to edit it and could become an accumulating resource of APL material. The Chairman felt we were not doing as much as we ought to promote APL or serve our members. We have enough reserves to finance some projects and he appealed to members for suggestions of projects to support.

The Treasurer, Nicholas Small, circulated the accounts and offered to answer questions: there was none. John Sullivan, having indicated his willingness to continue, was re-appointed as auditor.

The Chairman announced the committee for 2003-2004:

Chairman Adrian Smith (co-opted)
Secretary Anthony Camacho (co-opted)
Treasurer Nicholas Small
Editor Stefano Lanzavecchia (co-opted)
Webmaster Bob Hoekstra
APL in Schools Stephen Taylor
Activities Jon Sandles (co-opted)
Projects Alan Mayer (co-opted)

Questions and AOB
In reply to a question, the Chairman said we distribute a little over 500 copies of each issue of Vector, plus additions given away at conferences. Of the individual members there are about 112 in the UK and about 222 overseas. There was no other business. The meeting closed at 2:20 pm.

Outstanding Achievement Award

This was presented to Fred Waid for his work on developing an APL Interpreter in JavaScript.

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