Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 22, No.1

Sustaining Members’ News


Dyalog Ltd.

First, a big Thank You to everyone who came to our conference in October, and in particular to the speakers who made it such an interesting event. Feedback on the venue has been very positive, and as a result we think we will hold the next conference at LO-skolen, during the week which begins on Monday October 16th. As APL2000 did this year at the Naples conference, we will add at least one, possibly 2 “All APL Days” to the conference, where users and vendors of other APL systems will be invited to join us and share experiences, tools and techniques of interest to the array language community. We aim to run a series of workshops on a wide variety of topics, from the latest features of Dyalog APL to techniques for interfacing APL with Office products and other external tools. We aim to make this the APL networking event of the year, and hope to break the ”100 barrier” for participants in 2006 (we were one short this year). Set the week aside in your calendar today and watch this space for further announcements!

Free Educational Licences

Dyalog is pleased to announce the availability of free licences for Educational use. If you would like to use APL to teach any subject, or use APL in a project at any level of education, contact Recipients of educational licences must sign an agreement whereby they promise not to use the software for commercial projects, not to copy the software – and are also required to report to Dyalog once a year on their use of the product. Dyalog APL is also available to pensioners and for other not-for-profit use under similar arrangements. Printed documentation must be purchased separately for free licences.

APL Summer Camp for Teenagers

We are looking into running a week long APL summer camp for teenagers. The very rough idea is to have APL lessons/workshops in the mornings and outdoor activities in the afternoons. We think the best time for the camp is in the second half of July, and we are looking for a place near Toronto, Canada. If you know a teenager who might be interested in spending a week with a dozen or so other “APL kids”, please contact as soon as possible! Parents are welcome to come along too.

SQAPL for Unix

Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity interface for SQL databases – known as ODBC – is becoming a standard for database access under Unix(!). Insight Systems is currently working on porting version 5.0 of SQAPL, which will be shipped with Dyalog APL version 11.0 for Windows, to Solaris. The SQL interface will subsequently be made available under the other Unix platforms where APL is available. Under Unix, SQAPL will not be bundled with APL, but sold separately. If you are interested in database access from Dyalog APL under Unix, please get in touch.

Version 11.0 Availability

Finally, the bad news: We were hoping to ship version 11.0 before the end of 2005, but it has taken a little longer to wrap everything up. We are currently expecting to be able to make the product generally available around the end of January.

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