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Rain Flips its q
A database engine for simple folk
Adrian Smith (adrian@apl385.com)
These notes are lightly adapted from the script I wrote for the Sunday
night light-entertainment at Dyalog 08. Yes, the apparent integration of
q-sql with the APL session was a gross deception using ⎕TRAP
but the basic idea of running a low-tech relational database inside your
workspace is a perfectly good one. I pretty well depended on it for the 10
years I led a team who wrote applications in APL, and who knew no other
way. Morten also made very good use of the query tools in his examples of
monitoring APL primitives, which was nice to see. Sometimes the best ideas
are the ones you come up with under so much time pressure that you have no
time to look ahead. We shall see. Anyway, here is the script that I spoke
to, and which was included on all the memory sticks, along with the
There was a time, long ago and far away, when I used to write proper business applications in APL. I am thinking back to 1983 and my Loughborough paper on databases, which reminded me of just how heavily I depended on a simple, reliable DBM working entirely within the confines of the APL workspace. Subsequently, I had evolved into something of a tool-builder rather than a tool user, and this state persisted until a few weeks ago.
When I had a phone call from a old Rowntree friend (he used to run Assortments in York) for whom I wrote a lot of planning and scheduling applications. He is kinda retired now, and has ended up managing the rebuild of the east end of York Minster ‘in his spare time’. This is a big project (around £21M of lottery funding over 5 years) and has put huge pressure on the Minster Stoneyard to turn out carved blocks to a predictable schedule. Herding cats comes to mind.
So Peter called me, and wondered if I would be interested in reviving some 20-year old skills and cranking out a little scheduler for them, so at least they might know a little way ahead who will be carving which blocks when, and consequently when various bits of the overall project might get completed. Was I interested – of course I was!
Panic then set in fairly quickly, as I realised that an essential chunk of the software I needed was last seen on a VS APL system that was turned off in late 1999. So I looked around my collection of heaps of things and found a flipdb user guide and (of course) a copy of q for Mortals, which I recently reviewed. Towards the end of this review, I caught myself musing around the possibility of implementing something comparable in APL. After all, kdb was originally just a bunch of q and Paul Mansour had gone down a very parallel road with flipdb. Time to give it a go, thought Adrian.
A database architecture for APL
Firstly, this has to be designed to make the raw data available to your
application in the simplest way imaginable. You must not have to
run a query (or call a server) just to get some numbers back. In the old
days I just used variables in the workspace, with a ‘master variable’
called (say) ⍙emp
which was just a namelist of other
variables like ∆name
, ∆sal
and so on. A few
simple utilities implemented operations like take and compress on the
table as a whole. The description variable developed a few whistles and
bells, the main one being support for foreign keys (when the emp table has
a pointer to a dept table) which were implemented as simple
(zero-tolerant) 1-origin indexer variables. So when you deleted a
department, it knew to fix up the indices in any other tables which
referenced it (or yell at you if the deletion was not acceptable).
Let’s slide forward from the VS APL timeframe where this was all written, to the 21st century and Dyalog APL. Namespaces could be very handy here, and maybe those foreign keys could just be refs? If we start with the basic notion that a table maps to a namespace with some variables in it, then we pass the first hurdle of data accessibility. What could be easier than:
emp.sal 12340 2345 2345 1200 1234 0 1234 +/emp.sal 20698
Rather than using prefixed names in the old-fashioned way, we just prefix with the namespace. This makes it pretty trivial to code up (for example)
8 db.take emp emp.sal 12340 2345 2345 1200 1234 0 1234 0 ∇ {tbl}←len take tbl;nl2 [1] ⍝ Normal APL take/overtake for all vars in namespace <tbl> [2] nl2←tbl.⎕NL ¯2 [3] :With tbl [4] ⍎¯2↓∊(⊂'↑⍨←len ⋄ '),⍨¨nl2 [5] :End ∇
Of course you need to be sure that the only variables you leave lying
around are valid to be taken/compressed by the same expression. Anything
else we want to store about the data is going to be tucked away in a
sub-namespace. Alert readers should have spotted the flaw in the above
function. I should really have formatted the length and used dyadic
execute rather than :with
here. One day I’ll have a variable
called len
in a table, and it will all go horribly wrong.
Anyway, moving quickly on, if we could throw some descriptive stuff into a sub-namespace, that would help with the formatting of the output, and also give me somewhere to record those pesky relationships.
db.Columns emp Varname Key Type Format References Shape ------- --- ---- ------ ---------- ----- #.emp.id ⍝ * num 8 #.emp.name ⍝ text 8 #.emp.dept ⍝ ptr #.dept 8 #.emp.sal ⍝ num £##,##0.00 8 #.emp.bonus ⍝ num 8 #.emp.band ⍝ num 00 8 #.emp.sex ⍝ ptr #.sex 8
The references really are refs here, everything else in the description
namespace is just text, so is pretty trivial to edit. There are a few
handy utilities called db.CreateTable
which help you to get things in the right
order. So far so good. If I re-order the dept table it can check for any
refs to itself and go fix up the corresponding pointers (fortunately most
primitives like iota and membership work fine on refs now) so we are still
quite low on rocket science. Just formatting the content and throwing it
into the session is very easy now:
db.Show emp id name dept* sal bonus band sex* ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----- ---- --- 5728 │ William 451 £12,340.00 100 01 Male 1234 │ Gill 777 £2,345.00 100 03 Female 1238 │ Richard 451 £2,345.00 400 02 Male 1240 │ Tim 822 £1,200.00 100 02 Male 1241 │ Beryl 451 £1,234.00 0 01 Female 1242 │ Hello there 822 £0.00 0 01 Male 1243 │ Farewell 451 £1,234.00 321 02 Never 0 │ 0 £0.00 0 00
Better get rid of that dodgy extra row (the overtake a few lines back) but at least you can see what it did.
How hard can it be
to write a db.Select
utility that takes a table and some
expressions, and throws you back what is effectively another table?
db.Select emp ('' 'sal>1000') #.db.sel
Well, it returned a ref all right, can we see the content with the same kit we used to see the original table?
db.Show qq←db.Select emp ('' 'sal>1000') id name dept* sal bonus band sex* ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----- ---- --- 5728 │ William 451 £12,340.00 100 01 Male 1234 │ Gill 777 £2,345.00 100 03 Female 1238 │ Richard 451 £2,345.00 400 02 Male 1240 │ Tim 822 £1,200.00 100 02 Male 1241 │ Beryl 451 £1,234.00 0 01 Female 1243 │ Farewell 451 £1,234.00 321 02 Never
More to the point, can we run a further query on the result of this one?
qqq←db.Select qq ('name,sal,bonus,both←sal+bonus' 'bonus>100') db.Show qqq name sal bonus both ---- --------- ----- ---- Richard £2,345.00 400 2745 Farewell £1,234.00 321 1555
This is the property of closure that the database gurus insist is so important. It allows you to write a proper relational algebra, with functions like set-union and set-difference that act on tables and return tables. It is one of the great strengths of q and is something we should constantly keep in mind. Of course we can still get at the raw data very easily:
qqq.(name both) Richard Farewell 2745 1555
The only magic here is the magic that comes with your interpreter. Honest!
More interesting queries
Hands up everyone who hates writing joins in SQL. Both Arthur and Paul (independently, I think) had the brilliant idea of using the dot-notation to allow a query to ‘look down the link’ in a very intuitive way. An example will make this clear:
sel←db.Show∘db.Select sel emp ('name,dname←dept.name,mgr←dept.mgr.name' 'bonus<100') name dname mgr ---- ----- --- Beryl Main office Hello there Dogsbodies Gill
The dot is appropriate for many-to-one relationships, and of course you can chain them to follow the links to the end of the earth (and back again, as in the example above). Just try asking Oracle to list all employees who earn more than their manager, and you will rapidly appreciate the power of this simple extension. Incidentally variables get ‘sensible’ new names if you leave them to default, but giving them names explicitly generally makes sense.
Paul takes this a step further by allowing us to look through the wrong end of the telescope and see the many from the one, like this:
sel dept 'id,name,emp[dept].bonus' id name bonus --- ---- ----- 451 │ Main office [100 400 0 321] 977 │ Real workers are here again [] 822 │ Dogsbodies [100 0] 777 │ The End [100]
Which illustrates another great thing about q (and flipdb, of course) which is that you are allowed to group things without applying a reduction. Of course you can reduce the groups if you want to:
sel dept 'id,name,max emp[dept].sal' id name sal --- ---- ------------------- 451 │ Main office 12340 977 │ Real workers are here again ¯1.797693135E308 822 │ Dogsbodies 1200 777 │ The End 2345
… but be aware that this is APL and that reductions on empty arrays don’t always do what you expect! I need to have a proper think about missing-value support before I fix this one.
Grouping is something we need to do all the time, so it makes sense to accommodate it in the normal query syntax. Along comes another optional argument (sorry Arthur, I put these in a different order) to the selection to give us the new keys for the output table:
sel emp ('count,sum sal,avg sal+bonus' '' 'dept.name') name count sum sal avg col4 ---- ----- ------- -------- Main office │ 4 17153 4493.5 The End │ 1 2345 2445 Dogsbodies │ 2 1200 650
Note that the grouper(s) are marked as keys (as they are always unique combinations) and the output is once again a table that we can do further processing with, or just treat as a handy repository for some working data. If we group on two columns:
sel emp ('count,sum sal,avg sal+bonus' '' 'dept.name,band') name band count sum sal avg col5 ---- ---- ----- ------- -------- Main office 01 │ 2 13574 6837 The End 03 │ 1 2345 2445 Main office 02 │ 2 3579 2150 Dogsbodies 02 │ 1 1200 1300 Dogsbodies 01 │ 1 0 0
Then we get two keys (duh!) and something stirs deep in Adrian’s subconscious. Maybe we could use these as the row/column indices into a crosstab, like this:
xtab←db.XTab∘db.Select xtab emp ('sum sal' '' 'dept.name,band') name 01 03 02 ---- ------- ------- ------- Main office │ 13574 3579 The End │ 2345 Dogsbodies │ 0 1200
As of today, this is just a fancy way of displaying a table with two keys, but a sense that it should become another first-class object, related to a table, but not quite the same. Perhaps brick or box would be good names for it. Cube has already been done to death, I think! The bit in the middle looks awfully like a matrix.
A quick look beneath the surface
There is really only one important idea behind this. Having checked out
the tokens in each expression, the Select
function runs the expressions in
the table (so they can see all the variables) but with the path set to
look for the utility namespace which lives inside #.db
. This
allows you to write any APL you like in the query, or make use of some
simple canned functions if you can’t be bothered to re-invent
every time you want it. Here are the 6 wettest days we
have had, in date order:
sel rain ('' '{⍵>¯6+⌈/⍵}⍋⍋rain') date rain mintemp maxtemp ---- ---- ------- ------- 25/10/92 │ 38.9 ¯2 6 08/06/99 │ 38.1 6 11 02/08/02 │ 49.3 15 20 10/08/04 │ 55.4 18 21 15/06/07 │ 53.4 10 12 25/06/07 │ 38.1 12 18
… and here is what our avg
function does:
avg←{1{(+/⍵)÷↑⍴,⍵}godeep ⍵} godeep←{ (1+⍺)>|≡⍵:⍺⍺ ⍵ ⍺ ∇¨⍵ }
… with much the same stuff for all the standard summary functions. I am sure 10 mins of Alan Sykes’ time will add lots more, like variance, median and all those other ones that standard databases never have when you want them.
With one mighty bound
We have a functional query engine, we have an APL session. Perhaps we should put them together to make one of those little languages that we all remember from the 1970s. Remember where we came in? Well, Stones have Types and Types have estimated days, so wouldn’t it be great if we could type:
xtab count,ManDays←sum Type.Mason+Type.Carve from ym.Stone by Type.Id,Level.Name where Level.Id in 'B,C' asc Type.Id Id Level B Level C -- count ManDays count ManDays Arcading │ 1 25 Arcading/string │ 3 45 Ashlar │ 4 4 3 3 Grotesque │ 2 80 2 80 Niche head │ 4 180 Niche head course 2 │ 2 48 5 120 Shaft moulding │ 31 248 44 352 Shaft stooling │ 2 20 String/pedestal │ 3 60
… to get an overview of how much work is left. Perhaps some of you are old enough to remember those special daisy-wheels that allowed you to plot to some small fraction of a character? Well, with Unicode we have some 1/8th blocks, so it’s back to the future again:
select ManDays←sum Type.Mason+Type.Carve '⎕24 ###9' from ym.Stone by Type.Id asc Type.Id where Type>0 Id ManDays -- ----------------------------- Arcading │ ▌ 25 Arcading/string │ █ 45 Ashlar │ ▎ 12 Ashlar return │ ▎ 12 Carved pedestal │ █▎ 60 Grotesque │ ███▍ 160 Niche head │ ██████▋ 315 Niche head course 2 │ ████▌ 216 Shaft moulding │ ████████████████████████ 1144 Shaft stooling │ ▍ 20 String │ ▍ 20 String/grotesque │ █▋ 80 String/pedestal │ █▎ 60 String/shaft stooling │ ▌ 25
There is a font update on your keydrive if you don’t see all the blocks
correctly! The workspace is called iqx
, it is definitely work
in progress, and there are plenty more examples. You won’t see the stone
data (for obvious privacy reasons) but there is 15 years of rainfall to
play with, as well as the infamous “Suppliers and Parts” data that
everyone uses these days. Of course what would be really nice would be:
select photo from ym.Stone where Id=467
… but that one will have to await the next update to the Dyalog session!
This is first and foremost a programmer’s toolkit, and I would expect to
use the functional form of db.Select
nearly all the time. The
stuff with queries and the session I see mostly as a handy debugging tool,
but you never know. That is really how q got started, and look what
happened to it. The session is a much under-appreciated resource, so
exploiting it in this simple way was good fun, and may develop into
something useful. Let me know.
As always in live talks, I overstated my case in a few places. In particular I annoyed several people by slagging off Oracle (and its friends) rather too enthusiatically. My SQL primer is dated 1985 and was written by one Lawrence Ellison (now whatever happened to him?) so I am definitely a touch behind the pace. However it would be good if some of you SQL buffs out there could pick up the challenge and show me how to code up:
t2:select sum qty by p.color from sp /s)select p.color,sum(sp.qty) from sp,p where sp.p=p.p group by p.color order by color
This is a simple example from the scripts shipped with personal kdb+ where the standard sql is shown alongside the q dot-notation. I agree that you can do this in standard sql, but the dot-notation is so much cleaner, that the ‘tool of thought’ argument comes into play even here. Now for a couple of flipdb examples which look like more of a challenge!
⍝ Suppliers with at least 700 in shipments select sno,sname,city from s where 700≤sum sp[sno].qty ⍝ Who supplies ALL parts select sno,sname,city from s where sp[sno].pno seteq p[].pno
Or even just my rather trivial home-oriented database:
usage←(delta meter)÷delta date '##0',notes from lecky select date,date.weekday,meter,usage date weekday meter usage notes ---- ------- ----- ----- ----- 23/09/08 │ Tue 11908 12 Kitchen fridge off 24/09/08 │ Wed 11919 11 25/09/08 │ Thu 11929 10 Outside fridge off 26/09/08 │ Fri 11940 11 27/09/08 │ Sat 11949 9 ...
This clearly needs more thought and probably a bit more work, but if
Arthur can take the ultimate pragmatist approach of switching parser on
seeing select
then maybe APL could too. Keep watching this