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BAA Annual General Meeting 2010
by Anthony Camacho (secretary@vector.org.uk)
Minutes of the British APL Association AGM 2010 held at The Albion, 3 New Bridge Street, London EC4 on Friday 21 May 2010
Minutes of AGM 2009
The minutes had been published on the web site and were taken as read without correction.
Report from the Chairman (Paul Grosvenor)
Paul said that plans were being made for a possible conference next year.
The London meetings were going well. An awayday is to be held on 23rd July.
We need more people to join the committee and willing to do something to help. Three members are standing down from the committee – Anthony Camacho (we need a secretary), Ray Cannon (we need an activities officer) and Stephen Taylor. Stephen will continue as webmaster but we need someone to edit Vector. Paul thanked the three for their work over the years.
Stephen Taylor is unable to be with us (Paul thinks he is working in Belgrade) but there is plenty of material in hand and most of the work is done on the next issue of Vector.
Phil Last later volunteered to take over as Activities Officer.
Report from the Treasurer (Nicholas Small)
(Including report from membership secretary.) Nicholas said there is not much to report since last year. One issue of Vector has been produced and we have money for two more before we need to ask for further subscriptions.
We have 256 paid-up members plus some Japanese members who have not yet paid and this compares with about 290 at this stage of 2008 (this comparison was not made last year).
Committee for 2010-2011
Paul suggested the following should be next year’s committee and Auditor:
2009-2010 | 2010-2011 | |
Chairman | Paul Grosvenor | Paul Grosvenor |
Secretary | Anthony Camacho | (vacant) |
Treasurer | Nicholas Small | Nicholas Small |
Vector editor | Stephen Taylor | (vacant) |
Vector Webmaster | Stephen Taylor | Stephen Taylor |
Activities | Ray Cannon | Phil Last |
Education | Alan Mayer | Alan Mayer |
Projects | Ian Clark | Ian Clark |
Auditor (not on committee) | Chris Hogan | Chris Hogan |
This was proposed by Ray Cannon and seconded by Mike Hughes and approved without objection.
There were no questions to officers.
Other business
Outstanding achievement award
The outstanding achievement award was made to Kai Jaeger for his promotion of APL. Kai thanked us and said that the most effective aid to promoting APL he had seen in the last 20 years was the video made by John Scholes.
Catherine Lathwell’s film project
Paul felt that we couldn’t justify spending the money we had control over on Catherine Lathwell’s project, much as we applaud it and wish it well. This was clearly agreed by those present. Anyone who can help in any way is urged to get in touch with her.
Our funds with BCS
Paul circulated a letter from the BCS which was uncompromising. They will pay no more bills incurred by us and quote their rules in justification. They are holding something like £14,000 of our money.
We discussed what could be done to bring pressure on them to return it to us. Paul felt that we could not afford to take the legal approach. It was suggested that sustaining members write to the BCS at the top level.
Paul said that the BCS were unable to find anything in writing about the terms on which we had joined or even a date.
Anthony said that we had joined after APL86 had made a large profit. There had been a spot of bother because our chairman was Philip Goacher who was also an employee in charge of a BCS subsidiary that arranged various events. In that role he had underwritten the APL86 conference. Then we discovered (about three months before the conference) that he had been fired from that role (although he still had a desk at the BCS) and we went to the BCS asking them to confirm the underwriting (of which there were no written records). They did so and after the conference, almost as a ‘thank you’, the committee was persuaded by Philip to join the BCS as a sub-group.
The rules the BCS quote in their letter were made a good deal later than 1986 so they can hardly apply.
Paul Grosvenor agreed to pursue these suggestions.
Anthony Camacho, Hon Sec 25 May 2010
AGM addendum by Paul Grosvenor
5th October 2010
Since the AGM was held a number of people have come forward to offer their services on our Committee. As a result I proposed a new structure to the committee which was seconded by Peter Merritt on 5th October 2010. Apologies to all for this rather strange procedure. I am pleased to be able to announce therefore that we once again have a full committee for 2010/2011 which is made up as follows;
2009-2010 | 2010-2011 | |
Chairman | Paul Grosvenor | Paul Grosvenor |
Secretary | Anthony Camacho | Peter Merritt |
Treasurer | Nicholas Small | Nicholas Small |
Vector editor | Stephen Taylor | Stephen Taylor |
Vector Webmaster | Stephen Taylor | John Jacob |
Vector Production Manager | n/a | Kai Jaeger |
Activities | Ray Cannon | Phil Last |
Education | Alan Mayer | Alan Mayer |
Projects | Ian Clark | Ian Clark |
Auditor (not on committee) | Chris Hogan | Chris Hogan |
My sincere thanks go out to all those people who have volunteered to help out, old or new. Particular thanks go out once again to Anthony Camacho, Ray Cannon and Stephen Taylor for all of their work over the years and the benefits we have all enjoyed as a result. n.b. Stephen, you might notice, has not quite got off the hook yet !