Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


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British APL Association
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Volume 25, No.3


The ruler’s edge

Norman Thomson

It is a pleasure to be able to respond my old partner in education Ray Polivka [1] on the subject of programming rulers. Readers may like to compare the different style of approach which might be taken in J to this problem, which, to remind readers, is to write a program for a ruler of length y. with numbers and tick marks at intervals of x..

First pre-define an adverb index

   index=.1 : '(i.@$*x.)@]'

which identifies elements where a criterion verb such as ‘equals zero’ is met, for example:

0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1
   (=&0)index t	                 NB. give indices of 0s
0 0 2 0
4 5 0 0
0 9 0 0

This can be used in conjunction with the adverb amend (}) to provide a general purpose replacement facility, for example:

   99(=&0)index}t                NB. replace 0s with 99
99  1 99 1
99 99  1 1
 1 99  1 1

This is used in the final line of the verb numbers, which supplies the formatted numeric parts of the ruler:

   numbers=.4 : 0
t=.x.*>:i.>.y.%x.                NB. multiples of x.up to y.
t=.|:10 10 #:t 	                 NB. digitise and transpose
t=.y.{."(1)x.":t                 NB. put in spaced char form
t=.(' '(=&'0')index}{.t),:{:t    NB. blank ldng 0s
   3 numbers 17
           1  1
  3  6  9  2  5

Adding the tick marks, both horizontally or vertically, is now straightforward :

   rulera=.4 : 0
t=.x. numbers y.
t,(y.$((<:x.)#0),1){'-^'         NB. add tick marks
   rulerc=.4 : 0
t=.x. numbers y.
(|:t),.(0=x.|>:i.y.){'|+'        NB. add tick marks
   3 rulera 17
           1  1
  3  6  9  2  5

   3 rulerc 11


  1. “The ruler’s edge revisited”, Ray Polivka, Vector Vol.23, No.4


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