Optima Systems Ltd – Industry News
Ok so we are 75% through 2013 and I am not sure where most of it has gone. The year has certainly been busy for us and the future is looking very buoyant right now. Over the past 12 months we have taken on 5 new staff;
- Since August 2012 we have been training our three apprentices in the delights of APL. Some of you may have been following their blog but if not please take a look at http://thethreeblindmiceapl.wordpress.com. They have had a great year visiting the Dyalog offices, taking the APL course, attending their first APL conference in Denmark and of course building their APL controlled robots. Our apprentices are now full time members of staff and employed as Trainee APL Programmers. Their next challenge will be the Dyalog conference in Miami where they will show us all their robots and tell us how they made them. Watch this space (or follow the blog) and see how they get on.
- Kevin Wallis has joined us as our new Business Analyst. Apart from his analysis skills he brings considerable Pensions knowledge with him which we plan to make good use of over the coming months. Kevin has also attended the beginners APL course at Dyalog so now not only do we know what he is doing, he knows what we are doing.
- And last but not least, Kim Kennington, who is our most recent member of staff and takes on the Q&A role. She is going to make sure that what we say should happen with our code actually does! We can run but no longer hide.
Our COSMOS data visualisation product moves on from strength to strength with a number of small contracts now being signed and right now a significantly larger one is about to start. Most of the product activity has been in America thus far but we hope to start a sales pipeline in Europe and UK very shortly. To assist in the sales and marketing of this product we now own roughly half of Galileo Analytics based in Washington DC and who market COSMOS in the United States.
Although not fully confirmed at this time we are about to set up another company in Sweden (Optima Systems Sweden AB) which will perform much of our R&D work.
As a result of our growth and internal structure we now offer a large multi-disciplined APL team plus all the back-up and ancillary services to be expected of a larger software development company.
We are looking forward to the next twelve months being as exciting as the last.