Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 26, No.2

BAA: Chairman’s Report 2014

Paul Grosvenor (

Paul Grosvenor BAA Chairman - Paul Gosvenor

Once again our production team has been working to produce this edition which for the second time comes with some pages in colour. We would very much like your input and views as to whether or not this adds or subtracts from our journal. There is a small increase in costs as a result but significantly less than if we printed the whole thing in colour. I think it adds, but what about you, please let us know?

This year our AGM was held on Friday 23rd May, for the first we also ran it as a webinar to allow even more of you to attend, especially those outside the UK. Those of you who elected to come to our meeting in person attended the group meeting held at the same time in the Albion in London as we have done in the past.

I hope that you will have received our new BAA Newsletter. We aim to send out a regular bulletin to keep all of our members up to date with what is going on and we can include any news or links that are appropriate from you. Please let us know if there is anything that you would like including and we will do our best to distribute. If you have not seen the Newsletter please check your spam filter in case it has gone in there. We hope you enjoy!

I hope you are pleased with our journal and look forward to seeing some of you at the forthcoming conferences and just to finish off, a comment from Roger;

“I started in 1966 on an APL machine that weighed 15,000 tons, when I travelled from Hong Kong to San Francisco on the S.S. President Wilson of the American President Lines.”

— Roger Hui

Thank goodness for the microchip …..


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