Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 26, No.2

BAA AGM Minutes 2014

John Jacob (

Minutes of the British APL Association AGM 2014 held on-line by webinar and at The Albion, 3 New Bridge Street, London EC4 on Friday 23 May 2014

  1. The Minutes of the 2013 AGM (as published in Vector 26:1) were accepted by general consensus of those present.
  2. Report from the Chairman

    With apologies from Paul Grosvenor, Peter Merrit (Acting Chair) presented the Chairman’s report on his behalf.

    We continue to see some colour added into Vector, I hope everyone finds that a good thing to see. The first BAPLA newsletter went out in December 2013 and are planning to send a further two throughout the year so if anyone has anything to announce then we are willing to include that as a service free to members.

    BAA London continues to meet regularly and my thanks to their team for allowing us to piggy back this AGM on their meeting.

    We have started to broadcast our meetings as webinars where appropriate and for those of you listening in today a special welcome. Its early days but the production team are trying and make this as easy as possible for everyone. We are hoping to publish some of the talks that are captured. Jake is in the process of editing those at the moment.

    This year sees the thirtieth aniversary of the first publication of Vector which is quite an achievement. Later in the year we would like to publish a bumper edition and we would like as many BAPLA members as can to contribute. These contributions can take any form you like, one-liners; doodles; embarassing photographs; or old articles. It really does not matter this is your chance to get involved in making this quite an issue.

    Asked what were the deadlines for submission to Vector. John Jacob(Jake) confirmed that there wasn't a deadline as such rather that an issue of Vector depended on accumulating sufficient copy to send for print.

    Asked if Vector were available in PDF form. John Jacob confirmed that PDF version was made available to sustaining members at print time, with plans to make it publicly available at a later stage.

  3. Report from the Treasurer & Membership Secretary (Nicholas Small)

    Very little change in our financial situation with total receipts just under £3,000 and payments just under £3,000. Cost of posting Vector overseas being the most significant part. Chris Hogan (Auditor) confirmed the accounts.

    Number of Vectors subscribed for is down by thirty-five. Five of these accounted for by Soliton ceasing subscription. The overall circulation of Vector was around 325 with about ten copies to libraries.

    Nicholas Small confirmed that dues for BAPLA membership fell due when at the end of a volume of Vector.

    Peter Merit confirmed that a large package had been included in the Dyalog conference pack.

    British APL Association - summary of annual accounts

    Summary of income and expenditure/receipts and payments:

    Income/Receipts 2013/14
    Subscriptions 2,964.42 7,142.75 3,793.00
    Other 0.00 217.00 0.00
    Total receipts 2,964.42 7,359.75 3,793.00
    Meetings 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Administration 17.25 0.00 36.00
    Vector production and despatch2,639.01 2,265.85 3,882.00
    Conferences and seminars 113.92 0.00 0.00
    Other 157.13 104.40 69.00
    Total payments 2,927.31 2,370.25 3,987.00
    Assets summary:
    Bank and other balances 12,246.1012,195.61 7,049.00
    Debtors 1,197.50 3,527.50 3,183.00
    Creditors -6,425.00-7,955.00 -3,165.00
    Net assets 7,018.60 7,768.11 7,066.00

    BAPLA membership at May 2014 (after Vector 26:1)
    (volume 25 figures in parentheses)

    Sustaining*5(5) 23(23)5(5) 42(42) 10(10) 65(65)
    Corporate* 0(1) 0 (5) 2(2) 15(15) 2(3) 15(20)
    Corp. Ind* 5(5) 5 (5) 2(2) 2(2) 7(7) 7(7)
    Individual 48(56)47(55)129(147)129(147) 177(203) 176(202)
    Non-voting 14(16)14(16)0(0) 0(0) 14(16) 14(16)
    Life 0(0) 0 (0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
    Library 1(1) 1 (1) 2(4) 2(4) 3(5) 3(5)
    Russians 11(11) 11(11) 11(11) 11(11)
    APL Groups 12(12) 34(34) 12(12) 34(34)

    *Add the Vector numbers in these rows to get the total subscribed for by corporate and sustaining members

  4. Committee for 2014/2015: It was suggested that as no applicants for posts had been received that the existing committee be returned, proposed Paul Grosvenor seconded by Ronny Simon.

  5. Appointment of Auditor: The current auditor (Chris Hogan) was proposed by John Jacob and seconded Ronny Simon. Accepted by those present.
  6. General Questions

    There was a discussion as to whether Vector should be encouraging vendors to share more of their material as a way to encourage a much more a holistic community for APL rather than the different vendors encouraging their own communities. There was general agreement that a section in Vector with useful links to sites or other material and some initial candidates were identified:


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