Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 26, No.4

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British APL Association AGM - Friday 29th May 2015


The Albion (2/3 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6AA)
and by Webinar (hosted by Optima Systems).



  • Peter Merrit
  • Phil Last

Minutes of AGM 2014

The minutes of the 2014 AGM (as published in Vector 26:2 and 3) were approved unanimously

Report from the Chairman (Paul Grosvenor)

  • Vector takes more time but vector next in June Colour limited by cost
  • BAA website on new linux server soon
  • thanks to BAA London
  • requests for help to keep things going

Report from the Treasurer (Nicholas Small)

(including report from membership secretary)

Income/Receipts 2014/15
Subscriptions 2,434,52 2,964.42
Vector advertising 325.00 0.00
Bank interest 34.25 13.38
Total receipts 2,793.77 2,967.80
Meetings 0.00 0.00
Administration 17.95 17.25
Vector production and despatch 2,559.36 2,639.01
Conferences and seminars 0.00 113.92
Other 176.57 157.13
Total payments 2,753.88 2,927.31
Assets summary:
Bank and other balances 12,275.99 12,246.10
Debtors 757.50 1,197.50
Creditors -3,835.00 -6,425.00
Net assets 9,238.49 7,018.60
  • No questions were raised about the financial report, although Gitte requested a short discussion with Nicholas after the meeting.
  • The association has new individual members one in Australia and one in the USA
  • The total membership is currently:178 individual members with 327 copies of Vector circulated

Election of the committee for 2015-2016

Paul Grosvenor proposed the committee as it is currently composed:

  • Phil Last - Events
  • Paul Grosvenor - Chairman
  • John Jacob - Vector Editor
  • Kai Jaeger - Production manager
  • Peter Merrit - Secretary
  • Nicholas Small - Treasurer and Membership Secretary
  • Ian Clark - Projects

Kai suggested the position of Production manager be abolished as it is no longer necessary.

The ensuing discussion also concluded that webmaster not a committee role and as we have no active projects the Projects officer is also no longer required.

As Peter has not been at the AGM recently, several attendees suggested that we have a new secretary. Stephen Taylor volunteered

  • Proposed Kai Jager
  • Seconded Chris Hogan

As the constitution permits secondment of association members on a temporary basis, a new committee structure was proposed with the following officers:

  • Phil Last - Events
  • Paul Grosvenor - Chairman
  • John Jacob - Vector Editor
  • Stephen Taylor – Secretary
  • Nicholas Small - Treasurer and Membership Secretary

A show of hands approved the changes, as did Ray Canon remotely

Appointment of Auditor

Chris Hogan was reappointed as the association's auditor

  • Proposed Paul Grosvenor,
  • seconded Kai Jaeger


  • Vector should be produced a fixed number of times per year not four, two or three.
    • Proposed Kai Jaeger
    • Seconded Stephen Taylor
  • The sustaining members should be invoiced on a 12 Month rolling basis, rather than when a certain number of issues of Vector have been published.
    • Proposed Gitte Christiansen
    • Seconded John Jacob
  • Ordinary members should also be converted to a per annum basis
    • Proposed Kai Jaeger
    • Seconded Graeme Robertson
  • The library subscription “membership” should still be per volume and the association has some corporate members – for the time being they no changes were proposed to either of these grades of membership

All of these resolutions were carried by a show of hands, plus approval remotely by Michael Hughes and Ray Canon

Any other business

It was proposed anyone may receive a fee for work required by the committee

  • Proposed Kai Jaeger
  • Seconded Stephen Taylor

This was passed, subject to a check of the constitution, which forbids payments to committee members simply for being members of the association.


  • Remote
    • Ray Canon
    • Brian Becker
    • Michael Hughes
  • In Person
    • Kai Jaeger
    • Chris Hogan
    • John Jacob
    • Paul Grosvenor
    • Nicholas Small
    • Graeme Robertson
    • Stephen Taylor
    • Morten Kromberg
    • Gitte Christiansen

The meeting was followed by presentations by Dyalog


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