program funnycube; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, classes, extctrls, windows; const crlf = #13#10; type TPieceLabel = (A,B,C,D,E,F); TPieceSide = (Top, Right, Bottom, Left); TCorner = (TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft); TPieces = set of 1..6; TPosition = class public name: char; piece: word; function matchesNeighbours: Boolean; function matches(mySide: TPieceSide; position: TPieceLabel; side: TPieceSide): Boolean; function cornerOK(myCorner: TCorner; piece1: TPieceLabel; piece1Corner: TCorner; piece2: TPieceLabel; piece2Corner: TCorner): Boolean; end; TPiece = class private FFlipped: Boolean; procedure flip(flipState: boolean); public sides: array[1..4] of Word; rotation: Word; constructor create(id: Integer); reintroduce; function GetSide(side: TPieceSide): Word; function GetCorner(corner: TCorner): Boolean; property flipped: Boolean read FFlipped write flip ; end; TCube = class public pieces: array[1..6] of TPiece; positions: array[1..6] of TPosition; constructor create; end; var startTime, endTime: LongWord; results: String; cube: TCube; numSolutions: Integer; function reverse(value: word): word; begin result := 0; if 16 = (value and 16) then result := 1; if 8 = (value and 8) then result := result + 2; if 4 = (value and 4) then result := result + 4; if 2 = (value and 2) then result := result + 8; if 1 = (value and 1) then result := result + 16; end; { TCube } constructor TCube.create; var piece: Integer; begin for piece := low(pieces) to high(pieces) do begin pieces[piece] := TPiece.create(piece); positions[piece] := TPosition.create; positions[piece].piece := piece; positions[piece].name := char(ord('A')+piece-1); end; end; { TPiece } constructor TPiece.create(id: Integer); begin case id of 1: begin sides[1] := 20; //10100B sides[2] := 11; //01011B sides[3] := 26; //11010B sides[4] := 11; //01011B end; 2: begin sides[1] := 5; //00101B; sides[2] := 27; //11011B; sides[3] := 26; //11010B; sides[4] := 4; //00100B; end; 3: begin sides[1] := 10; //01010B; sides[2] := 5; //00101B; sides[3] := 27; //11011B; sides[4] := 26; //11010B; end; 4: begin sides[1] := 4; //00100B; sides[2] := 4; //00100B; sides[3] := 4; //00100B; sides[4] := 10; //01010B; end; 5: begin sides[1] := 26; //11010B; sides[2] := 4; //00100B; sides[3] := 10; //01010B; sides[4] := 5; //00101B; end; 6: begin sides[1] := 20; //10100B; sides[2] := 4; //00100B; sides[3] := 4; //00100B; sides[4] := 11; //01011B; end; end; rotation := 1; FFlipped := false; end; procedure success; var position: TPosition; pieceNum: Integer; begin results := results+'-----' + crlf; for pieceNum := low(cube.positions) to high(cube.positions) do begin position := cube.positions[pieceNum]; results := + ' ' + intToStr(position.piece) + ' ' + intToStr(cube.pieces[position.piece].rotation - 1) + crlf; end; numSolutions := numSolutions + 1; end; procedure testPiece(validPieces: TPieces; position: Word; flip: Boolean); var pieceNum: Word; rotation: Word; thisPosition: TPosition; procedure doesPieceFit; begin cube.pieces[thisPosition.piece].rotation := rotation; if thisPosition.matchesNeighbours then if = 'F' then success else testPiece(validPieces - [pieceNum], position + 1, flip); end; begin thisPosition := cube.positions[position]; for pieceNum := 2 to 6 do if pieceNum in validPieces then begin thisPosition.piece := pieceNum; for rotation := 1 to 4 do begin cube.pieces[thisPosition.piece].flip(false); doesPieceFit; end; if flip then begin cube.pieces[thisPosition.piece].flip(true); for rotation := 1 to 4 do doesPieceFit; end; end; end; procedure TPiece.flip(flipState: Boolean); var tmp: Word; begin if not flipState = FFlipped then begin tmp := sides[1+ord(Top)]; sides[1+ord(Top)] := reverse(sides[1+ord(bottom)]); sides[1+ord(bottom)] := reverse(tmp); sides[1+ord(left)] := reverse(sides[1+ord(left)]); sides[1+ord(right)] := reverse(sides[1+ord(right)]); FFlipped := flipState; end; end; function TPiece.GetCorner(corner: TCorner): Boolean; begin case corner of TopLeft: result := 1 = (1 and GetSide(Left)); TopRight: result := 1 = (1 and GetSide(Top)); BottomLeft: result := 1 = (1 and GetSide(Bottom)); BottomRight: result := 1 = (1 and GetSide(Right)); else result := false; end; end; function TPiece.GetSide(side: TPieceSide): Word; var index: Word; begin index := ord(side) + rotation; if index > 4 then index := index - 4; result := sides[index]; end; { TPosition } function TPosition.matchesNeighbours: Boolean; begin case name of 'A': result := true; 'B': result := matches(Left,A,Right); 'C': result := matches(Left,B,Right); 'D': result := matches(Left,C,Top) and matches(Top,B,Top) and matches(Right,A,Top) and cornerOK(TopRight, A, TopRight, B, TopLeft) and cornerOK(TopLeft, B, TopRight, C, TopLeft); 'E': result := matches(Left,C,Right) and matches(Top,D,Bottom) and matches(Right,A,Left) and cornerOK(TopLeft, C, TopRight, D, BottomLeft) and cornerOK(TopRight, A, TopLeft, D, BottomRight); 'F': result := matches(Top,E,Bottom) and matches(Left,C,Bottom) and matches(Bottom,B,Bottom) and matches(Right,A,Bottom) and cornerOK(TopLeft, C, BottomRight, E, BottomLeft) and cornerOK(TopRight, A, BottomLeft, E, BottomRight) and cornerOK(TopLeft, C, BottomRight, E, BottomLeft) and cornerOK(BottomRight, A, BottomRight, B, BottomLeft); else result := false; end; end; function TPosition.Matches(mySide: TPieceSide; position: TPieceLabel; side: TPieceSide): Boolean; var side1, side2: Word; begin side1 := cube.pieces[cube.positions[1+ord(position)].piece].getSide(side); side2 := cube.pieces[self.piece].getSide(mySide); side2 := reverse(side2); result := (14 and (side1 + side2)) = 14; //01110B = 14 end; function TPosition.cornerOK(myCorner: TCorner; piece1: TPieceLabel; piece1Corner: TCorner; piece2: TPieceLabel; piece2Corner: TCorner): Boolean; var p1,p2,p3: Boolean; begin p1 := cube.pieces[cube.positions[1+ord(piece1)].piece].getCorner(piece1Corner); p2 := cube.pieces[cube.positions[1+ord(piece2)].piece].getCorner(piece2Corner); p3 := cube.pieces[self.piece].getCorner(myCorner); result := (p1 and (not p2) and (not p3)) or (p2 and (not p1) and (not p3)) or (p3 and (not p1) and (not p2)); end; var turnover: Boolean; begin startTime := getTickCount; numSolutions := 0; cube := TCube.create; if paramCount > 0 then turnover := true else turnover := false; testPiece([2..6],2, turnover); endTime := getTickCount; results := results+crlf+'This took '+intToStr(endTime - startTime) + 'ms'+crlf +'and found '+intToStr(numSolutions)+' solutions'; write(results); end.