Exhibit 2 | Industrial FP: a case study | Stephen Taylor | Vector 21.3

Exhibit 2

⍝ ⍵ is a string representing lines of a LIFE70 seam file
⍝ result is 4 same-length lists describing the fields:
⍝ (nesting levels)(names)(formats)(data as text)
     to←{(⍺⍺ ⍵)⍵⍵ ⍵}                                            ⍝ apply ⍵⍵ according to ⍺⍺ ⍵
     part←{1↓¨(⍺∘⍷)to⊂⍺,⍵}                                      ⍝ partition by ⍺
     crlf←⎕TC[2 3]                                              ⍝ CONSTANT: CR, LF
     rtb←{⍵/⍨⌽∨\⌽⍵≠' '}                                         ⍝ remove trailing blanks
     lineate←{(⊃⍺)part ⍵~1↓⍺}                                   ⍝ distinguish lines by ⍺
     segment←{('D'∘=∘(⊃¨))to⊂⍵}                                 ⍝ each segment: (descns)(data)(data)(data)...
     defl datl←3 3                                              ⍝ CONSTANTS: lengths of defn and data segment labels
     flatten←{⊃,/datl↓¨⍵}                                       ⍝ flatten segment body
     parsehd←{','part defl↓⍵~')-'}                              ⍝ parse segment header
     separate←{(parsehd∘⊃¨⍵)(flatten¨1↓¨⍵)}                     ⍝ separate segment headers and bodies

     re←{(⍎⊃⍵)({'#'=⊃⍵:0 ⋄ ~':'∊⍵:1 ⋄ ⍎⍵↓⍨⍵⍳':'}2↓⍵~')')}       ⍝ rep(etition) effect of a defn
     nrs←{(⍵↑⍨⊃⍺),0~⍨2⊃⍺}                                       ⍝ next rep stack: ⍵ modified by rep effect ⍺
     crs←1∘{1↓⊃¨nrs/¨(-⍳1+⍴⍵)↑¨⊂⌽(⊂⍺),⍵}                        ⍝ cumulative rep stacks from seed stack 1
     onflat←{(⊃,/1↑⍨¨⍴¨⍵)⊂⍺⍺⊃,/⍵}                               ⍝ ⍺⍺ on flattened ⍵, then re-enclose result

     blank←{r←⍵ ⋄ m←⊃∨/0 ¯1 ¯2⌽¨⊂'/1:'⍷⍵ ⋄ (m/r)←' ' ⋄ r}       ⍝ blank out '/1:'
     fp←{×1|⍵:1++/0 10⊤10×⍵ ⋄ ⍵}                                ⍝ floating-point fields: convert real to integer
     tbl←{(⍵∧.=' ')∨0 1≡'/:'∊⍵}                                 ⍝ tbl declaration? (no corresponding data window)
     fshp←{tbl ⍵:0 ⋄ ⌽fp¨('N'=⊃⍵){⍵+⍺↑⍨⍴⍵},⍎blank 1↓⍵}          ⍝ 'N' fields have extra leading blank

     flip←↓∘⍉∘↑                                                 ⍝ invert order
     fretby←{⍵↑¨(0,¯1↓+\⍵)↓¨⊂⍺}                                 ⍝ fret data segment ⍺ by field lengths ⍵

     nstacks←{(crs∘(re¨))onflat ⍵}                              ⍝ nesting stacks
     nmshp←⊃∘({(⍺)(fshp¨⍵)}/)∘flip∘({2↑'('part ⍵}¨)             ⍝ field names and shapes
     nstate←{f d←⍵ ⋄ ((nstacks f){⍺ ⍵}¨2↓¨¨f)(d)}               ⍝ infix nesting stacks: ((rs def)(dat)) ((rs def)(dat))
     parse←{r f←⍺ ⋄ (⊂1↓¨r),ns,⊂⍵ fretby×/¨r,¨2⊃ns←nmshp f}¨    ⍝ parse ((rs defs) data) to (rss names shapes data)

     ⊃,¨/⊃parse/nstate separate segment crlf lineate ⍵