Some Use Cases for "Save Work" ------------------------------ "Vicki" is a middle-aged, but young-at-heart, married woman who works in arts administration. She organizes a performing arts festival about once a year, usually in a different location around the U.S. She also teaches a class in theater arts, so she needs to keep regular notes and lesson plans for this. She may also have a play or two of her own that she's working on from time-to-time, as the inspiration seizes her. Her two children or her husband may occasionally use her computer: the children mainly for games but possibly for some homework; the husband may also use it to write something for his job or for personal correspondence. Case 1: Vicki installs the software - what helpful screens does she see? Has anyone worked on an install script? Case 2: Vicki wants to save all the recent work she's done, either to a thumb drive, a floppy, or a CD. Case 3: Vicki wants to archive a group of works that may be in different directories but pertain to the same project, e.g. last year's class notes or multi-media files relating to a play she's been working on. Case 4: Vicki wants to get all the junk off her hard drive that her husband and children have left scattered there over the years but wants to save a copy in case there's anything that someone may need later. Case 5: Vicki needs to locate something she saved to a CD a while ago.