Kx News November 2005
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Kx Systems

A new kdb+ White Paper is available on kx.com. With tick data volumes continuing their out-of-sight escalation, an end-to-end high-speed database is more essential to competitive advantage than ever. To get the details on how kdb+ offers a unified view of streaming, in-memory and historical data, please download the new kdb+ white paper.

Kx and Intel co-sponsor Realtime Data event in London

In October Kx and Intel co-sponsored a seminar on “Trends in Real-time Data” organized by Lepus, a consultancy specializing in financial services research. Lepus is currently preparing a white paper on the topic. If you’d like us to notify you when it is available, please contact us.

New kdb+ applications from First Derivatives

FD now offers three new applications for kdb+. QDBA is a database administration and development tool that provides a development interface to the power of kdb+. Kdb+fix offers a framework supporting client applications for different sell-side FIX engines. Program Trading Platform provides a set of tools to support algorithmic trading. For more information contact Michael O’Neill – moneill@firstderivatives.com.

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