Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


© 1984-2024
British APL Association
All rights reserved.

Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist.


Volume 21, No.3

AGM and Accounts

Minutes of the AGM of the BAA held at the
Royal Statistical Society on 20 May 2005

The Chairman, Adrian Smith, opened the meeting at 2:10 pm.

The minutes of the last AGM (printed in Vector 20.4) were accepted as a true record without demur.

He announced the committee for 2005/6.

ChairmanPaul Grosvenor
Secretary Anthony Camacho
Treasurer Nicholas Small
Editor Stephen Taylor
Education Alan Mayer
Activities Ray Cannon
Projects Ian Clark

It was agreed not to appoint a webmaster; instead the editor will appoint moderators for parts of the web site. The moderators will report to him.

Adrian reported a quiet year. The main activities were Ray Cannon’s moots which were very successful. Vector is coming back on schedule (he showed a copy of 21.2 which will be posted to members next week). We have most of the material for the next issue and hope to be back on schedule soon. We have two new sustaining members.

Nicholas Small presented the accounts. There were no questions.

Stephen Taylor spoke about plans for Vector and the web site. He repeated that we hope to be back on schedule soon. We have an issue in memory of and to honour Ken Iverson almost ready. He expects the emphasis to move to electronic media and wants the site to become a showcase for all varieties of APL. He hopes that the Vector site will mirror sites such as Kx and J Forum and that eventually it may become the APL preferred source world-wide.

Ray Cannon announced the next APL programming moot, to be held at Blackwater from 5th to 7th August 2005. People are encouraged to bring a computer and a sleeping bag. There are convenient takeaways and a pub opposite the hall. Everyone is invited and there will be NO CHARGE (buy your own food and drink). If you are interested you are encouraged to book early with Ray. Obviously places are limited.

The meeting closed at 2:25 pm.

Anthony Camacho 20 May 2005

British APL Association - Summary of Annual Accounts 2004/05

Summary of income and expenditure/receipts and payments:

                                        2004/05      2003/04
                                     (R&P)   (I&E)    (I&E)
                                       £       £        £
 Subscriptions                       11581   12735    12914
 Bank interest                        1498    1498     1225
 Vector advertising (incl. VAT)        544     750     1572
 Other                                 285     285      355
                                     -----   -----    -----
 Total receipts                      13908   15268    16066
                                     -----   -----    -----

 Meetings                              652     467     2338
 Administration                        528     628      860
 Vector production and despatch      11159   14468    14634
 Projects                                0       0      541
 Other                                 403     104      673
                                     -----   -----    -----
 Total payments                      12742   15668    19047
                                     -----   -----    -----

Assets summary:
 Bank and other balances                     37497    36331
 Debtors                                      1777      636
 Creditors                                  (11353)   (8647)
                                             -----    -----
 Net assets                                  27921    28321
                                             -----    -----


Pence figures have been omitted, so columns may not add exactly.

The value of stocks of Vector have not been assessed, nor has the value of the Association’s computing hardware and software.

For 2004/05, figures are shown both as income and expenditure, i.e. revenues strictly relating to the activities of that year, and as receipts and payments, i.e. what goes in and out of our bank account. The comparative figures for 2003/04 relate to income and expenditure.

BAPLA membership at 30.4.05 (previous year’s figures in parentheses)

          UK                  FOREIGN             TOTAL
          Number    Vectors   Number    Vectors   Number    Vectors
Sustaining   8 (6)    43 (28)    4 (4)    28 (28)   12 (10)   71 (56)
Corporate*   2 (4)    10 (16)    1 (1)    10 (10)    3 (5)    20 (26)
Corp. Ind*   5 (9)     5 (9)    15 (15)   16 (16)   20 (24)   21 (25)
Individual  91 (106)  91 (106) 207 (209) 207 (209) 298 (315) 298 (315)
Non-voting  15 (18)   15 (18)    0 (0)     0 (0)    15 (18)   15 (18)
Life         1 (1)     1 (1)     1 (1)     1 (1)     2 (2)     2 (2)
Library      1 (1)     1 (1)     4 (6)     4 (6)     5 (7)     5 (7)
Russians                        11 (11)   11 (11)   11 (11)   11 (11)
APL Groups                      13 (13)   36 (39)   13 (13)   37 (39)

                                                             480 (499)

*Add the Vector numbers in these rows to get the total subscribed
for by corporate members.

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